
Daniel Levin / Rodrigo Pinheiro / Hernâni Faustino – Rhizome

The entirety of this beautiful CD is covered in a veil of melancholy emanating from Rodrigo Pinheiro’s pianism, which extends to even the most vibrant interplay. I can feel it as I stare out the window at the tree’s green leaves, sideways illuminated by a rare setting sun during this climatically awful Italian summer. That subtle phrasing, either pensively dissonant or completely open to nearly flawless harmonic solutions, acts as a glue of sorts for the equal creative skill of the string players. In the midst of seriously atonal signals and schismatic outbursts, Daniel Levin and his cello deliver tidbits of linear knowledge while remaining properly disinterested in jazz-tinged clichés. Actually, avoiding anything predictable is what he sets out to do, and that’s exactly what happens. Hernâni Faustino’s equally gorgeous double bass lays the foundation for a deft, responsive counterpoint, with the same weight distribution for plucking, droning, and wise exploitation of upper partials. The musicians’ ability to seize the right moment to resonate together after sensibly waiting for each other is matched by often muted colors, eyes turned to an awareness of the present, and ears constantly on the lookout for the sign of change. This music, this exquisite sound, projects a lasting impression on the mind.

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